Enclave Born-in Applications (Pre-Launch)

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Enclave Born-In Applications
These Applications will expire on server launch

OOC Section:

1. What is your Discord Name?

2. Why choose The Enclave over any other faction?

3. What time zone are you in?

4. How available would you be if selected?

5. Are you willing to follow ALL Enclave rules such as restricted Mic Usage?

In Character Section:

Enclave Military Transfer Paperwork
Please fill out and hand this document to your current Commanding Officer before departure.

1. What is your full legal name?

2. Please detail your service with your current unit.

3. Were either of your parent's high ranking Government or Military Officials (as per the Legacy Act of 2162)? If yes, please describe the position they held.

4. What is your age? If Cryogenically Frozen in one of the multiple Government Programs please state your age both BIOLOGICALLY & CHRONOLOGICALLY.

5. What role do you currently serve with-in your current unit? Do you enjoy your work?

6. What applicable skills do you bring to this Cell of the Enclave?

7. Do you have any interest in serving either the Hellfire, Vanguard, or Science Department detachments accompanying the unit? If you are unsure put N/A.

8. When was your last Medical Screening & Mutation Check?

God Bless The Enclave, and nobody else!

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